
Back In The Day

Our Price – Back in the Day… It’s hard to imagine the musical landscape of Britain in the 1970s and 80s without conjuring up an image of the ubiquitous red and white logo of Our Price Records adorning every high street in the land. Calling out to music lovers across the country, Our Price filled […]

A bit about Vinyl – no not the gimp wear

A Bit About Vinyl – No, Not the Gimp Wear! Vinyl records. Black, round, made of plastic. They look boring. But oh no, they’re anything but boring.  It all started in 1877 when the rather sulky looking Thomas Edison invented the phonograph. “Hello, I’m an American!” it probably said in Edison’s oddly dull and squeaky […]

Memories of Doncaster – Not written by Jeremy Clarkson

Memories of Doncaster Not Written by Jeremy Clarkson As I sped into Doncaster in my reasonably-priced car, memories of my childhood came flooding back. There was the site of my old school, where I was frequently berated by teachers for my poor academic performance. And there, on the high street, stood the hallowed entrance to […]